
Research Dissertation & Papers Published

  1. Seneviratne Vajira P.S, A Survey of Quality of Prescriptions with Regard to the Basic Requirements, Research dissertation, Faculty of Medicine, University of Colombo, 1995
  2. Seneviratne Vajira P.SJayakody R.L, A Survey of Quality of PrescriptionsAnnual academic sessions of the Sri Lanka Medical Association,1995
  3. Seneviratne Vajira P.S, Be a vegetarian or killing myself, Ayurveda Sameeksha, Dept of Ayurveda, 2003
  4. Seneviratne Vajira P.S, Gotu Kola, Centella asiatica , The Plant of Intelligence, 2003
  5. Seneviratne Vajira P.S, The Project Consulting Report to the IUCN – The World Conservation Union“Pilot Scale Manufacture of Herbal Products and Herbal Foods” in Medicinal Plants Conservation Areas, a project implemented by the Ministry of Health and Nutrition, 2003
  6. Seneviratne Vajira P.S, Toxicity substances presence in Ayurvedic MedicinesNational Seminar on Ayurveda held in Ayurveda Research Institute, 2005
  7. Seneviratne Vajira P.SAmarasingha G.P.A, Presence of Toxic materials in herbo – mineral formulations, Annual Session of Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science, 2007
  8. 8Seneviratne Vajira P.SHapuarchchi S.D, Perera P.K, Zoysa P, A study on the effectiveness of Gotukola (Centella asiatica) Capsules with cow’s milk in increasing selected cognitive abilities in adults; a clinical study, MD Thesis, University of Colombo, 2015
  9. Seneviratne Vajira P.SHapuarchchi S.D, Perera P.K, A Critical Review on Intellect Promoting Medicines in Ayurveda with special reference to Centella asciatica; an abstract paper on 2nd International Conference on Ayurveda, Unani, Siddha and TM, 2014
  10. Seneviratne Vajira P.SPerera P.K, Effects of Agni in management of cancer; a case study on Ayurvedic perspective, an abstract paper, First national symposium on Sri Lankan traditional medicine, 2014
  11. Seneviratne Vajira P.SHapuarchchi S.D, Perera P.K, A study on traditional uses of Centella asciatica  with special reference to its intellectual promoting properties; an abstract presented on  first National Symposium on Native Medicine, Sep, 2015
  12. Seneviratne Vajira P.SHapuarchchi S.D, Perera P.K,‘Standardization and quality control of Centella asiatica L (Gotukola) dried powder and capsules, Full article; published on World Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Volume 5, Issue 1, 42-50, 2015
  13. Seneviratne Vajira P.SHapuarchchi S.D, Perera P.K, Zoysa P, Effects of Gotukola (Centella  asiatica) capsules with cow’s milk in modulation of cognition in young adults; Randomized controlled clinical trial (RCT),  published in 8th World Congress on Behavioral   and Cognitive Therapies, Melbourne, Australia, 2015
  14. Seneviratne Vajira P.SPerera P.K, Quality Assurance of Herbal Formulations, an abstract paper presented on 3rd International Conference on Ayurveda, Unani and Siddha, University of Colombo, 2015
  15. Seneviratne Vajira P.SHapuarchchi S.D, PereraP.K, Standardization and Quality Assessment of Centella asiatica L. Dried Powder and Capsules, Full article; published in SLJIM, University of Colombo, 2016
  16. 16.Vajira P. S. Seneviratne, P.K. Perera, Effects of Agni (Digestive power) in management of cancer; a case study on Ayurvedic perspective, International Symposium on Traditional and Complementary Medicine, 2017
  17. Seneviratne VajiraHapuarchchi S.D, Perera P.K, Zoysa P, Effects of Gotukola (Centella asiatica) Capsules with cow’s milk in modulation of cognition in young adults; RCT, International Symposium on Traditional and Complementary Medicine, 2017
  18. Seneviratne VajiraLiyanage L.U.P, Weerasinghe K. D. P. M, Ayurveda management of Gaja Charma in correlation to Epidermolytic Hyperkeratosis, International Symposium on Traditional and  Complementary Medicine, 2017
  19. Peiris M.R.S, Seneviratne VajiraWeerapana W, A study on Prakrti status (body constitution) among adults suffering Dengue, International Symposium on Traditional and Complementary Medicine, 2017
  20. Seneviratne Vajira, Trans-cranial route of drug delivery in ancient wisdom of Ayurveda; A case study series, International Symposium on Traditional and Complementary Medicine, 2017
  21. Vajira Seneviratne, P.K. Perera, Effects of Digestive power in management of cancer; a case study on Ayurvedic perspective, International Conference on Ayurveda Oncology, India, 2017
  22. Seneviratne V, Transcranial drug administration in ancient wisdom of Ayurveda; A case study series, novelty drug delivery approach for headache, International Symposium on Ayurveda and Indigenous Medicine, Colombo, Expo, 2018
  23. Vajira Seneviratne, Quality Assurance of herbal formulations; International Symposium on Ayurveda and Indigenous Medicine, Colombo, Expo, 2018
  24. Seneviratne VajiraLiyanage L.U.P, Weerasinghe K. D. P. M, Ayurveda management of Gaja Charma in correlation to Epidermolytic Hyperkeratosis,International Symposium on Ayurveda and Indigenous Medicine, Colombo, Expo, 2018
  25. Attygalla D.D, Siriwardana M.A, Seneviratne Vajira, at el., Ethno pharmacological survey on medicinal plants used in the treatment of Dengue in selected districts in Sri Lanka, Dissertation, 2018, ERC- USJP 88/17
  26. Peiris M.R.S, Seneviratne Vajira at. el, Role of Panchakarma on Metabolic Syndrome; A review, 6th International Conference on Ayurveda, Unani, Siddha & TM, University of Colombo, 2018
  27. Seneviratne Vajira, Peiris M.R.S at el, Quality of prescribing pattern with regards to medical requirements in a government healthcare institution, 6th International Conference on Ayurveda, Unani, Siddha & TM, University of Colombo, 2018
  28. Peiris R., Seneviratne Vajira at. el, Ayurveda treatment modality for the management of chronic ulcers associated with cellulitis; a case study, National Health Research Symposium, 2019, Sri Lanka
  29. Siriwardhene M.A, SeneviratneV at el, Ethnopharmacological Survey on Medicinal Plants for the Dengue Hemolytic Infections in Selected Regions in Sri LankaEuropean Journal of Medicinal Plants, p 8-26full article, Published: Dec 2020
  30. Seneviratne VPSDoes marketed bee honey meet Sri Lanka standards? A pilot study; Proceedings of the Annual Scientific Sessions, Pharmaceutical Society of Sri Lanka, 2021

Books Published

  1. Quality of  Prescriptions with Regard to the Basic Requirements – 1995
  2. Healthy Natural  Diet for All – 2001
  3. Remarks of the Father and Son (Sinhala) – 2006
  4. Diabetes, The way to cure – 2006
  5. Healthy Diet on the Planet – 2006
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